Image credit: "Open Mind" by Christian Weidinger, Flickr
Brainhack is a global conference bringing together researchers from multiple disciplines to work together on innovative projects related to neuroscience. Brainhack Warwick will feature presentations from key researchers in our community as well as video links to the global community. Visit BrainHack Global 2017 to learn more about events worldwide.
Should delegates wish to book accommodation they can contact reservations on, 02476 573925 or book accommodation online (select "Radcliffe").
Registration is now open for Brainhack Warwick 2017. This 2-day workshop will be held March 2nd-3rd at the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, and is part of BrainHack Global 2017, where a constellation of such events happen simultaneously around the globe. Brainhack events convenes researchers from a myriad of disciplines to work together on projects related to neuroscience. Similar to hackathons in the tech sector, much of the schedule is left open for attendees to work together on projects of their choosing. We also include “unconference” sessions where talks are chosen by the attendees based on their interests as they evolve throughout the meeting. Brainhacks are not “coding sprints” or exclusive to programmers, but rather are open to brain scientists from all backgrounds.
Hacking: The core of Brainhack are “open hacking” sessions during which attendees collaborate together on projects of their choosing. Attendees who have specific project ideas or data that they would like to explore are encouraged to submit their project below prior to the event. At the opening of the Brainhack event, typically after the ice breaker, attendees pitch their ideas and afterwards mingle with others to organize a project team. Teams work together throughout the remainder of Brainhack and are given the opportunity to present their progress during the wrap-up session at the end of the event.
Unconference: Sessions for attendees to present their research or other topics of current interest. Immediately prior to these sessions, the agenda is determined on-site. Attendees who are willing to present add their name to a sign-up sheet.
Working papers on the outcomes from Brainhack Warwick can appear in the Gigascience Brainhack Thematic Series, and shorter project reports from the event are eligible for the annual Brainhack Proceedings.
Thanks to generous funding from the Wellcome Trust, registration is free, and includes 2 lunches, a conference dinner, all coffee breaks and parking. To register, please email us with your name, affiliation, current position and area of expertise. Space is limited so please only register if you are able to attend, we will confirm your place by return email.